Episode 118 - Mind Tummy

Episode 118 Notes:

 A pant-load of stories, plus a summary of the Tennessee Williams super plot, Veruca Salt, the concept of a “Mind Tummy”, Judy Bloom, and other such nonsense.

We hint at a new topic (TSS Play List).  If you have a song, send it to us and We’ll add it.  This will get pushed in the next few.

Episode 118 - Mind Tummy
Trash South Street

Music featured in Episode 118:

 “Psychic Dance Routine” – Scowl

“Hail Mary” – Skating Polly

 We also talk about The new Shana Cleveland album (Manzanita….it’s great) the first new Speedy Ortiz song in 5 years, and tease Boygenius (which causes Jaime to go a bit nuts). 

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