Episode 140 - Banana Organs

Episode 140 Notes:

 As I look through this podcast, I see the secret theme is BUNNIES.  Also we talk about Scowl, Sweat, Lambrini Girls, and Delivery (which (oops) we mistaking refer to as “Force Majeure”)

Songs Featured in Episode 140:

“Errors” – Sweat (Who Do You Think You Are)

“Like a Million Bucks” – Delivery (Force Majeure)

“No Homo” – Lambrini Girls

Episode 139 - Mew Year 2024

Episode 139 Notes:

 Once again we fufill our legal obligation as a music podcast to put out our top 10 albums of 2024.  We  review Haley Heynderickx and Punitive Damage, discuss Nosferatu, Charlie XCX, Iron Infusions, and the Holidays. 

Cover songs are a weird thing.  You need to strike a balance between familiar while giving it enough of a twist to make it unique (have we ever done “best cover”, I wonder).  Thao strikes a balance in creating a funky, poppy, sexy spacey version of “Bad Idea, Right” that is well worth your time: 

And that Roxy Music Song is here (notice how Bryan Ferry doesn’t blink):

Finally, the final number for the Castle Rat Kickstarter is in and they raised 139K to record their second album.  Not too shabby


Song featured in Episode 139”

“Gemini” - Haley Heynderickx (Seed of a Seed)

“News of the Universe – La Luz (News of the Universe)

“Anti-Sapio” – Pissed Jeans (Half Divorced)

“99” – METZ (UP on Gravity Hill)

“Stuck in a Dream” – Gouge Away (Deep Sage) - Currently back in heavy rotation at Lou’s house

And of course, “I Got Heaven” – Mannequin Pussy (I Got Heaven) – Spoiler:  our mutual album of the year

 We also review (but don’t feature) – Punitive Damage


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Episode 137 - Halfisode

We recorded this one in two parts and ultimately lost half the episode due to technical monkeyshines. I have never struggled so hard to get something out only to give up on it. I’m also recovering from an injury that we will elaborate on in our next episode. Anyway, here is the salvaged version. Still some good stuff but pretty oof…..

Songs featured in Episode 137:

“Fire” - Romuvos
”Plucked” - Destroy Boys

Episode 135 - Tush

This one is short and sweet.  As you will hear, we were testing out the new microphone setup and wanted to keep it short in case the audio sounded like “bleh”.

We talk about Candy, the long-awaited return of post metal’s favorite cannibal sorcerer, and a second go at Black Dresses

Songs featured in Episode 135:

“Love like Snow” – Candy

“Blast” – Julie Christmas

“Tush” - ZZ Top

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Episode 134 - Horses

Episode 134 Notes:

A nice little podcast in which we discuss horses and their relationship to man…..after dark

Also…Movie Talk, Billy Scott, Incubus and a heaping helping of Butter Pie! (See episode 131)

Songs featured in Episode 135:

“Strange World” and “News of the Universe” – La Luz

“If You Find Me Gone” and “Last Love Song on This Little Planet” – Black Dresses


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Episode 132 - The Bleedies

Sometimes the episodes are good.  Sometimes they…aren’t so good. 

This one falls into the second category.  Things start out good with talk of eclipses and earthquakes before sliding into an episode of TSS after dark and eventually starting to get shakey about 30 minutes in.

The bands are good at least.  We talk about the amazing Castle Rat, METS, Spaced, and the reissue of 90’s alt-rock bad Garbage’s 4th album “Bleed Like Me”

Songs featured in Episode 132:

“Dagger Dagger: – Castle Rat

“99” – METS

“Big Picture” - Spaced

Episode 131 - Butter Pie

Furious Podcasting

Settle in for a big ole piece of butter pie and some furious podcasting as we briefly recount trips to Italy and training camp, almost getting arrested over a popular novel of yesteryear, Lou’s secret girlfriend, and Jaime’s take on “Poor Things”  For a little extra treat, listen to the end to hear a delightful rendition of an old timey song.

Songs featured in Episode 131

“Everything Turns blue” – Chelsea Wolfe

“No Thirds” – Mary Timony

“Anti Sapio” - Pissed Jeans

“Stuck in a Dream” – Gouge Away

“I Got Heaven” Mannequin Pussy

Also discussed, but not featured:  La Luz, Habibi, and Die Sexual

ALSO ALSO….who knew butter pie was a real thing?


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Episode 130 - Psyop

February 9th? 

Not likely.  This is the last of the “pre-Italy” podcasts.  Hopefully I will be able to get these out faster than one per month.  Anyway, as part of a little “Sunday Morning Surprise” we discuss the subversive nature of both Tele-Tubbies and a certain NFL power couple, the majesty of AntsCanada, and the shining gem of the internet:  Elita Harkov. 

 Music Featured in Episode 130:

“Vivarium” – Infected Rain

“Small Finds” – Sleater Kinney

“Working Poor” – Doc Rotten

We also review the very excellent new(ish) album by Pineapple Thief “It Leads to This” (album and tickets on sale now)

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Episode 129 - A Bad One

 Ok.  Sometimes a podcast lingers too long, and you just need to get it out there and over with.  I meant to put this out about a month ago, but got waylaid by a work trip, disease, and a weeklong internet outage (all of the above to be discussed in Eppy 131).  Podcast Constipation…..

On the other hand, I butcher the Hungarian language and give my impressions of Cats (the musical the movie) and why it is so much worse that I could have ever imaged.

No music featured in this one, but we discuss KIÉGETT FÖLD, Cosmic Joke, and Gaupa

The next one will be better, I promise

Episode 127 - Would You, with a Robot?

Episode 127 Notes:

 The only podcast that isn’t afraid to ask:  “Would you, with a robot”?

 Songs featured in Episode 127:

“Christmas One and Only” – Gurr with Eddie Aros

“Delete It” – MSPAINT

“Set Your Pussy Free”, “Where My Girls At?”, “A.I. Sexbots” – NOBRO

“Santa Claus” , Thee Headcoatees

We also discuss the witchy and wonderful Stevi Daft:

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Episode 125 - Revenge Doodles

Episode 125 Notes:

Only a month late for Halloween, the HARROWING REASON is revealed!

Well, not really.  I got Covid and it messed up (and continues to mess up) the schedule.  As a consequence, this podcast reflects our 7 year Anniversary!!!!  Yay us!  I am sure we will acknowledge it down the line.

Anyway, we talk about Open City, Cherry Glazerr, Olivia Rodriguez, and Pumpkin Guts (the band, not the guts

As a little piece of trivia, this is the first podcast in which a significant segment was cut.  I read a book that I found absolutely fascinating (in the same way one might find a baby kitten getting eaten by a python “fascinating”) but was not able to do it the justice it deserved.  Who knows?  I may revisit it in the near future.

Songs featured in Episode 125:

“Carry Us” – Open City - Hands in the Honey jar

“Lacy” – Olivia Rodregez - Guts

“Ghosts” – Pumpkin Guts – Death, The Devil, and Dismemberment

While the Cherry Glazerr album (I Don’t Want You Anymore) is great, none of the songs really lend themselves to clipping, hence it is not featured.  I can only hope Clem can forgive me.

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Episode 122 - Galvanized Washtub Bubble Bath

122 notes

A (very) brief history of Holly Golightly

A (very) brief history of Jerry Lee Lewis (and Mercury Records was correct)

A (very) brief recap of Blobfest

And a science lesson or two

A bit of a peek behind the curtain here.  When I (Lou) perform my editing sweep of the audio, I typically take some notes so I can construct some semblance of a summary.  And sometimes those notes gel, and sometimes they don’t.  And sometimes….like this time….they don’t really make much sense. 

Anyway, check this out to see what Holly Golightly is about:

Also, we review Restraining Order, Snooper, Pupil Slicer, Snakes In Alaska, and Skating Polly (that one song):

The whole album is amazing, and we will be reviewing the curated playlist in Eppy 124

 Johnny Dynamite’s excellent store is “May 23”.  If you are ever in Westchester, give it a look.

 Songs featured in Episode 122

“Powerball” – Snooper

“Momentary Actuality” – Pupil Slicer

“Do it Faster” – Militarie Gun

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Episode 121 - Ring-Lou

Episode 121 notes

 It seems like an eternity since we last posted.

 In that time Jaime went to the Cure, an evil mime murdered bad guys in Gotham City, and RIP Netflix (discs).

We get into The Dead Milkmen, Jeffrey Lee “Gun club Guy” Pierce, King Gizz, Beach House, Sonic Youth, and the always amazing QOTSA.

Songs featured in Episode 121:

“Devil’s Pool” – Beach House

“Motor Spirit” and “Witchcraft” – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

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Episode 120 - Cuddle of the Blood Drinking New Wave Bassist

I’m Proud of that title.

\Episode 120 Notes

 If you like recaps of 90’s B vampire movies starring 80’s sitcom stars, then this is the one to listen to.  Also, the merits of laudanum use and the questionable politics of Tweety Bird.  

 The titular song mentioned in the “Embrace of the Vampire” segment is “One Desire” by Claudia Kalleem.  There doesn’t seem to be a lot on her aside from contributing or acting to a few movies, most notably “Phat Beach” (which is in turn notable mainly because it was the directorial debut of “Entourage Guy”).  Anyway, someone also created a fan video for “Fright Night” using the aforementioned song and it took me about 20 minutes to verify that it was indeed a fan video and not a cool easter egg.

 Albums discussed are “I am the Dog” (Sir Chloe) and “Flowers at your Feet” (Rahill)

 Songs featured in Episode 120.

“Hooves” and “Le Femme Michelle”– Sir Chloe

“Futbol” – Rahill

 We also talk about “American Nightmare” and “Be Your Own Pet”

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Episode 119 - Geniusboy

Look, sometimes you go way too long without putting out a podcast because you decided to remodel your bathtub:

Much furthr

There is an update on the bee situation, and the wisdom of selling ninja stars to children.  We also take to the opportunity to finally get BoyGenius out of our systems.  words.

 In addition to BoyGenius, We talk about Tamar Aphek, Militarie Gun, Julie Christmas. Also…a bit poo is made and some hurtful words are spoken

Songs Featured in Episode 119:

“Stories” - Tamer Aphek

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Episode 118 - Mind Tummy

Episode 118 Notes:

 A pant-load of stories, plus a summary of the Tennessee Williams super plot, Veruca Salt, the concept of a “Mind Tummy”, Judy Bloom, and other such nonsense.

We hint at a new topic (TSS Play List).  If you have a song, send it to us and We’ll add it.  This will get pushed in the next few.

Music featured in Episode 118:

 “Psychic Dance Routine” – Scowl

“Hail Mary” – Skating Polly

 We also talk about The new Shana Cleveland album (Manzanita….it’s great) the first new Speedy Ortiz song in 5 years, and tease Boygenius (which causes Jaime to go a bit nuts). 

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Episode 117 - A Dark Secret

Episode 117 Notes

 In this episode, one of the cohosts reveals a DARK SECRET.

Also, everyone has been busy working and living life.  A new story from the “comic store” days emerges, and we talk about Dreamwife, Clutch, The Murderbot Diaries, Marissa’s appearance on Turned out a Punk, a review “Death Valley Girls” and “Code Orange” 

Songs Featured in Episode 117:

“So Below” – Code Orange

“Magic Powers”  Death Valley Girls

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Episode 116 - Insta-Comment

Episode 116 Notes:

 So much time has passed since the last one, and I think we finally might be past the “crazy” energy of the last few podcasts.

Jaime reports on Sara Silverman, and Lou talks about his Instagram comment hobby and an unsatisfactory story arc regarding recent concerts.

Musically, we talk about “Good Bison”, “Movie Club” and “The Arrivals”

Songs Featured in Episode 116:

“Bottle Song” – The Arrivals

 No clips for “Good Bison” or “Movie Club”, but links below for those inclined to listen

To see what’s going on with movie Club’s mini tour, look here:


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Episode 113 - Holiday Hijinx 2022

Episode 113 note:

This one had an…odd energy.  It’s the only way I can describe it.  It’s the holidays, so I guess we are all in a weird mood.  Give it a listen and let me know if it is just me.

Also odd because in that we only feature audio from one of the bands we discuss (Specifically “Hide” by Secret Shame).  Both the OSEES and Sharon Van Etten are excellent, but neither let themselves to concise audio clipping. 

For those wondering, my CPAP did not kill me, although it appears to have crossed the rainbow bridge

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