Episode 140 - Banana Organs

Episode 140 Notes:

 As I look through this podcast, I see the secret theme is BUNNIES.  Also we talk about Scowl, Sweat, Lambrini Girls, and Delivery (which (oops) we mistaking refer to as “Force Majeure”)

Songs Featured in Episode 140:

“Errors” – Sweat (Who Do You Think You Are)

“Like a Million Bucks” – Delivery (Force Majeure)

“No Homo” – Lambrini Girls

Episode 139 - Mew Year 2024

Episode 139 Notes:

 Once again we fufill our legal obligation as a music podcast to put out our top 10 albums of 2024.  We  review Haley Heynderickx and Punitive Damage, discuss Nosferatu, Charlie XCX, Iron Infusions, and the Holidays. 

Cover songs are a weird thing.  You need to strike a balance between familiar while giving it enough of a twist to make it unique (have we ever done “best cover”, I wonder).  Thao strikes a balance in creating a funky, poppy, sexy spacey version of “Bad Idea, Right” that is well worth your time: 

And that Roxy Music Song is here (notice how Bryan Ferry doesn’t blink):

Finally, the final number for the Castle Rat Kickstarter is in and they raised 139K to record their second album.  Not too shabby


Song featured in Episode 139”

“Gemini” - Haley Heynderickx (Seed of a Seed)

“News of the Universe – La Luz (News of the Universe)

“Anti-Sapio” – Pissed Jeans (Half Divorced)

“99” – METZ (UP on Gravity Hill)

“Stuck in a Dream” – Gouge Away (Deep Sage) - Currently back in heavy rotation at Lou’s house

And of course, “I Got Heaven” – Mannequin Pussy (I Got Heaven) – Spoiler:  our mutual album of the year

 We also review (but don’t feature) – Punitive Damage


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Episode 135 - Tush

This one is short and sweet.  As you will hear, we were testing out the new microphone setup and wanted to keep it short in case the audio sounded like “bleh”.

We talk about Candy, the long-awaited return of post metal’s favorite cannibal sorcerer, and a second go at Black Dresses

Songs featured in Episode 135:

“Love like Snow” – Candy

“Blast” – Julie Christmas

“Tush” - ZZ Top

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Episode 134 - Horses

Episode 134 Notes:

A nice little podcast in which we discuss horses and their relationship to man…..after dark

Also…Movie Talk, Billy Scott, Incubus and a heaping helping of Butter Pie! (See episode 131)

Songs featured in Episode 135:

“Strange World” and “News of the Universe” – La Luz

“If You Find Me Gone” and “Last Love Song on This Little Planet” – Black Dresses


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Episode 133 - The High Top Table of Podcasts

Episode 133 notes

 And here we are again to regale you with Jaime’s B-day story, The Taylor Swift Imperial Phase, a man and his dream, and the finest cinema late 80’s NBC had to offer

Musically we feature The Cloud Nothings, Toner, Suzie True, Egg Drop Soup, St Vincent, and Haley and the Crushers.  On that last note, please check out “Unsubscribe from the Underground” out September10, 2024 via Kitten Robot Records.  I’m sure we will check them out again before then

Songs featured in Episode 133.

“Golden Halo” – The Cloud Nothings

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Episode 131 - Butter Pie

Furious Podcasting

Settle in for a big ole piece of butter pie and some furious podcasting as we briefly recount trips to Italy and training camp, almost getting arrested over a popular novel of yesteryear, Lou’s secret girlfriend, and Jaime’s take on “Poor Things”  For a little extra treat, listen to the end to hear a delightful rendition of an old timey song.

Songs featured in Episode 131

“Everything Turns blue” – Chelsea Wolfe

“No Thirds” – Mary Timony

“Anti Sapio” - Pissed Jeans

“Stuck in a Dream” – Gouge Away

“I Got Heaven” Mannequin Pussy

Also discussed, but not featured:  La Luz, Habibi, and Die Sexual

ALSO ALSO….who knew butter pie was a real thing?


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Episode 130 - Psyop

February 9th? 

Not likely.  This is the last of the “pre-Italy” podcasts.  Hopefully I will be able to get these out faster than one per month.  Anyway, as part of a little “Sunday Morning Surprise” we discuss the subversive nature of both Tele-Tubbies and a certain NFL power couple, the majesty of AntsCanada, and the shining gem of the internet:  Elita Harkov. 

 Music Featured in Episode 130:

“Vivarium” – Infected Rain

“Small Finds” – Sleater Kinney

“Working Poor” – Doc Rotten

We also review the very excellent new(ish) album by Pineapple Thief “It Leads to This” (album and tickets on sale now)

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Episode 128 - Best of 2023

Episode 128 notes:

Our long awaited, long overdue “Best of 2023. This one got delayed out because of some last minute work travel and also us being kind of fuckups

We also hit on the Wham and Hypgnosis docs, the Spitting Image Muppets, and list etiquette.

Spiritual Cramp and Upchuck are reviewed.

Lou’s top 10:

“Fake” – Hoplite

Desire Pathway – Screaming Females

“Intercepted Message” - OSEES

“Manzanita” – Shana Cleveland)

“Island in the Sky” - Death Valley Girls

“I am the Dog” - Sir Choe

“Petrodragonic Apocalypse” – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

”Set your Pu$$y Free” - NOBRO

“Chaos County Line” - Skating Polly

“The Record” - Boygenius

And Jaime’s list:

Restraining Order

“Life Under the Gun” - Militarie Gun

Set Your Pu$$y Free” - NOBRO

“Spiritual Cramp” - Spiritual Cramp

“The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons” - The Hives

“In Times New Roman” - QOTSA

“Guts” - Olivia Rodrego

“I am the Dog” - Sir Chloe

“Dark Tracks” - Manuela Iwansson

“The Record” – Boygenius


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Episode 127 - Would You, with a Robot?

Episode 127 Notes:

 The only podcast that isn’t afraid to ask:  “Would you, with a robot”?

 Songs featured in Episode 127:

“Christmas One and Only” – Gurr with Eddie Aros

“Delete It” – MSPAINT

“Set Your Pussy Free”, “Where My Girls At?”, “A.I. Sexbots” – NOBRO

“Santa Claus” , Thee Headcoatees

We also discuss the witchy and wonderful Stevi Daft:

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Episode 125 - Revenge Doodles

Episode 125 Notes:

Only a month late for Halloween, the HARROWING REASON is revealed!

Well, not really.  I got Covid and it messed up (and continues to mess up) the schedule.  As a consequence, this podcast reflects our 7 year Anniversary!!!!  Yay us!  I am sure we will acknowledge it down the line.

Anyway, we talk about Open City, Cherry Glazerr, Olivia Rodriguez, and Pumpkin Guts (the band, not the guts

As a little piece of trivia, this is the first podcast in which a significant segment was cut.  I read a book that I found absolutely fascinating (in the same way one might find a baby kitten getting eaten by a python “fascinating”) but was not able to do it the justice it deserved.  Who knows?  I may revisit it in the near future.

Songs featured in Episode 125:

“Carry Us” – Open City - Hands in the Honey jar

“Lacy” – Olivia Rodregez - Guts

“Ghosts” – Pumpkin Guts – Death, The Devil, and Dismemberment

While the Cherry Glazerr album (I Don’t Want You Anymore) is great, none of the songs really lend themselves to clipping, hence it is not featured.  I can only hope Clem can forgive me.

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Episode 122 - Galvanized Washtub Bubble Bath

122 notes

A (very) brief history of Holly Golightly

A (very) brief history of Jerry Lee Lewis (and Mercury Records was correct)

A (very) brief recap of Blobfest

And a science lesson or two

A bit of a peek behind the curtain here.  When I (Lou) perform my editing sweep of the audio, I typically take some notes so I can construct some semblance of a summary.  And sometimes those notes gel, and sometimes they don’t.  And sometimes….like this time….they don’t really make much sense. 

Anyway, check this out to see what Holly Golightly is about:

Also, we review Restraining Order, Snooper, Pupil Slicer, Snakes In Alaska, and Skating Polly (that one song):

The whole album is amazing, and we will be reviewing the curated playlist in Eppy 124

 Johnny Dynamite’s excellent store is “May 23”.  If you are ever in Westchester, give it a look.

 Songs featured in Episode 122

“Powerball” – Snooper

“Momentary Actuality” – Pupil Slicer

“Do it Faster” – Militarie Gun

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Episode 113 - Holiday Hijinx 2022

Episode 113 note:

This one had an…odd energy.  It’s the only way I can describe it.  It’s the holidays, so I guess we are all in a weird mood.  Give it a listen and let me know if it is just me.

Also odd because in that we only feature audio from one of the bands we discuss (Specifically “Hide” by Secret Shame).  Both the OSEES and Sharon Van Etten are excellent, but neither let themselves to concise audio clipping. 

For those wondering, my CPAP did not kill me, although it appears to have crossed the rainbow bridge

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Episode 111 - Notes of Old Tennis Ball

Episode 111 Notes:

Finally, the Montreal (Non-Story) can be told!  Midway through reviews we discuss our “process, and we finish up with sort of a sort of book club where we discuss the many tomes of Erik Larson (among other things).

Songs featured in Episode 111  


“Cigarette Party” - Busy Weather

“Expert in a Dying Field” – The Beths

“Circling the Truth” - Guilty Party

“BTW” – The Paranoyds


Mindforce was also discussed, but not featured


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Episode 107 - Western(er) Promises

Episode 107 Notes:

In a short episode, we focus 100% of our efforts on Westerner, whose second album (Kali Yuga Kama Sutra) comes out on August 19th.  Hard to describe, but easy to listen to. Check them out!

And get the new album here:



Songs Featured in Episode 107:

“Yesferatu” – Westerner

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Episode 105 - Concrete Star (Attempt 2)

The current podcast is having issues posting on certain platforms. Apologies if you are getting spammed by this

Episode 105 Notes:

 Sometimes life gets in the way and you are a month late posting the podcast.  And then you realize that your original notes were deleted.

It’s honestly a shame because I feel like this was one of the better ones.  I can barely remember recording this, however, and may just be thinking of an especially tasty snack.

As memory serves, we get into a discussion regarding the (non) existence of buttholes and the band “Concrete Blonde”.  Coincidentally, the day we actually recorded (May 15) was the 32nd anniversary of that album.


We also had a topic (Most disturbing thing in a movie), and get into the usual nonsense (Spoiler:  The Pentaverate is NOT GOOD)

Anyway, we will probably be back with a “Main feed” podcast in August, and I will throw a few things out there as well.

Songs featured in Episode 105:

“Commander In Chief” – Crisis Man

“West Virginia” – The Builders and the Butchers

“The Reckoning” – Cave in

“The Jacket” - Widowspeak

Episode 103 - Esoteric Moist Buns Akimbo

Episode 103 Notes:

Or…..the episode before we discuss Wet Leg

A trip to the city of Apples

A drummer dies

A plant lives


Songs featured in Episode 103:

“Last Light” Division of Laura Lee

 “Spiritual Level of Gang Sh*t” – Soul Glo

 “Felini” and “Spiral” – Crisis Actor


Such a Pretty Bird – discussed but not featured

Episode 100 - Mew Years Eve 2021

Episode 100 Notes:

As always, the holiday season brings the obligatory “Best of” lists. Podcast. We also hit on a saucy surprise or two, a review of popular literature, and three dead ladies.

Songs Featured in Episode 100:

“Flower Moon” – Converge and Chelsea Wolfe

“Russian Winter: – Tamar Aphek

“Assumption” – Gel

“Perfect” -Mannequin Pussy

“Down the Street” – La Luz

“Big Star” - Surfbort

Retrosode - Holiday Hijinx

On this most festive of occasions, we revisit our very second podcast (cuz it’s seasonal).  We talk about Peaches, Super Uison, Iron Maiden, Sia, and Peaches.  Then…a brief foray into Christmas Music! 

Songs featured in Eppy 2:

“Rub” - Peaches

“Photorealism” – Super Unison

“Empire of the Clouds” - Iron Maiden

“Christmas Wrapping” – The Waitresses

“Santa Claus” – Thee Headcoatees

Episode 98 - The Lost(ish) Episode

Arguably our LEAST TOPICAL episode to date, Episode 98 was recorded in early June, then fell victim to reshuffling and “life” (at one point optimistically speculating a release date of July 21).  This one contains such exciting things as a lesson in Norse Mythology, the continuation of the house hunting saga (which we all know has been resolved; I am posting this from my NEW HOUSE) and Jaime self- diagnosing ailments.

By way of updates:

Jaime went to a bunch of Birthday Parties

Loki was topical in June

I bought a house and moved on the day of the hurricane Ida

….and the cat died.

All of which will be illuminated in Episodes 99 and 100

 Songs featured in Episode 98:

Songs featured in Episode 98:

“Amphetamine Delight” – Catbite

“Shanghai” and “Butterfly 3000” – King Gizzard

“The Creeps” and “Godhead” - Garbage

“Cha Cha D’more” – Dean Martin